Ubisoft a ouvert les préinscriptions pour le test bêta du mobile Assassin’s Creed Jade dans le décor de la Chine ancienne. Les tests eux-mêmes devraient commencer le 3 août.

Rappelons que l’éditeur d’Assassin’s Creed Jade est Niveau Infiniune division d’une entreprise chinoise Tencent. La nouvelle aventure sortira sur Android et iOS et offrira aux joueurs un « immense » monde ouvert à explorer, plein d’une beauté à couper le souffle, d’anciens secrets, de conspirations et de dangers cachés. La Grande Muraille de Chine et l’Armée de Terre Cuite sont incluses.

Un utilisateur de Twitter également partagé plusieurs captures d’écran d’Assassin’s Creed Jade, qui, apparemment, ont été prises avant les tests techniques.

Peter Hughes

industrial designer with a passion for creativity and innovation. Since 2015, he has dedicated his expertise to shaping the world through his designs. Prior to his current role, Peter served as a teaching assistant at the NY Institute of Information Technology, sharing his knowledge and guiding aspiring minds. Additionally, he holds the esteemed position of Editor-in-Chief at PlayStation Game Station LLC, fueling his love for gaming and the digital world. Beyond his professional pursuits, Peter embraces life as an explorer, immersing himself in new experiences, a social media fanatic, a travel geek, an alcohol enthusiast, and a specialist in music. Through his multifaceted interests, Peter continually seeks to broaden his horizons and make a positive impact on the world around him.

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